Selasa, 24 Januari 2022, dilaksanakan kegiatan serah terima peserta Praktek Klinik Laboratorium yang terdiri dari 12 orang mahasiswa Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Maluku jurusan Teknologi Laboratorium Medis. Acara serah terima siswa PKL ini dilaksanakan di Ballroom lantai 4 RSUP Dr. Johannes Leimena Ambon.
Direktur Pelayanan Medik, Keperawatan dan Pelayanan Penunjang, dr. Yan Aslian Noor MPH sebagai perwakilan dari RSUP dr. Johannes Leimana Ambon yang menerima mahasiswa PKL di dampingi oleh Subkoordinator Pelayanan Penunjang Medik Nurhefi, S,Kep, Ners dan dr. Rahmy, Sp.PK yang juga turut hadir dalam acara tersebut.
Penyerahan keduabelas mahasiswa dilakukan oleh Korasin Tuanani, S.Pd selaku dosen dari Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Maluku. Keduabelas mahasiswa tersebut akan melakukan kegiatan PKL selama tiga minggu di RSUP Dr. Johannes Leimena Ambon. Tuanani berharap, mahasiswa Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Maluku yang melakukan PKL di RSUP dapat menerima banyak ilmu untuk menjadi bekal bagi para mahasiswa kedepannya.
Tuesday, January 24, 2022, the handover of Laboratory Clinical Practice participants was held, which consisted of 12 students from the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Maluku, majoring in Medical Laboratory Technology. The handover ceremony for street vendors was held in the Ballroom on the 4th floor of RSUP Dr. Johannes Leimena Ambon.
Director of Medical Services, Nursing and Support Services, dr. Yan Aslian Noor MPH as a representative from RSUP dr. Johannes Leimana Ambon who accepted PKL students were accompanied by the Sub-Coordinator of Medical Support Services, Nurhefi, S, Kep, Ners, and dr. Rahmy, Sp.PK who also attended the event.
The handover of the twelve students was carried out by Korasin Tuanani, S.Pd as a lecturer from the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health of Maluku. The twelve students will conduct street vendors for three weeks at Dr. RSUP. Johannes Leimena Ambon. Tuanani hopes that students of the Maluku Health Ministry of Health Polytechnic who conduct street vendors at the RSUP can receive a lot of knowledge to be a provision for students in the future.
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